Weeping May Last For The Night
Let me preface this with the fact that I did not come happily, skipping and jumping, into this prayer group that changed my life. I came as most do, broken, beaten, and in an emotional pain that can only be compared to that of grief. The type of grief that is linked to losing the one you love most in this world. It stabs, weakens, and paralyzes.
Lord, where do I go from here? How do I continue to walk? How can I pray? How can I breathe? How can I literally go on living?

It all began at church one Sunday morning. I cannot tell you what the preaching had been about, but I can tell you we were offered the opportunity to go forward and have someone pray with us. In my broken state, I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to be brave and to go forward. There I met a beautiful sister who asked me what did I need to pray about? She was gentle, showed such love, and I knew I could share.
In my brokenness and sobbing way, I revealed to her my need for prayer for my marriage. My husband was an alcoholic and a gambling man and, based on that, he was unable to meet the needs of his family. Financially crushed and exhausted from trying to pick up the pieces that lay in the wake of his choices, I was empty and without hope. To my surprise, she told me she too was praying for her marriage and we could pray together. Ah, a comrade! She was someone who knew how I felt and was telling me with such joy and faith that it would be alright!
Time passed and we came together in prayer outside of church. Actually, I was a consultant for Princess House. She booked a home party and introduced me to women who also were standing for healing for their marriages. Thus, the birth of the lady’s prayer group.
One of our other sisters began to host our prayer meetings in her home. Around that dining room table we laughed, we cried, we stomped our feet, we yelled and hollered for mercy, and we learned how to let go and trust our God. We gained strength from each other, and we built lifelong friendships.
There is much to share, and I intend to write about these things. Miracles and the life giving power only Jesus could birth in us. More to follow, my dear ones. Stories to be told. This is simply an introduction.
“Do you always get what you ask for?” Yes, but it may not look like the answer I hoped for. BUT GOD, in His infinite power and wisdom, always answers. It is what we learn along the way, that is the greatest of all. More to come.
Blessings from Deb, one of …

“Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5b

One Comment
Oh Deb, truly you do have so much more to share. I can hardly wait! Jesus just loves to dazzle us with His “fancy footwork” doesn’t He? And your story has been amazing to behold. Hang on everyone. You will be glad you did!