the word faith with the Holy Spirit dove

Be Made Whole

Psalm 142:7 (AMP) says:  “Bring my life out of prison, that I may confess, praise and

give thanks to Your Name and the righteous will surround me to praise You, for You

will deal bountifully with me”.

Most everyone has been stuck in a prison of some kind during his lifetime – one of

poor health, emotional bondage, financial lack.  The circumstances can be limitless in

nature and duration.  “But, our God” as is often said, already delivered us when Jesus

came to set the captives free. 

His mandate from The Father was stated in Luke 4:18:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me (the Anointed One,

The Messiah) to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to

announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as

delivered those who are oppressed (who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and

broken down by calamity)”.

Then, before He ascended to His Father, He stated, “And these attesting signs will

accompany those who believe:  in My name they will drive out demons; they will

speak in new languages; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink (or ingest) any-

thing deadly it will not hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get

well”.  (Mark 16:17-18).

So as the Father sent Him, He was now sending those who believe in Him through

all time, to distribute His Life and set the captives free.  This authority is based in

His redemptive, covenantal love.  The more we simply rest, believe, and obey His

instructions, the more His power flows.

Since, we are all about giving God the glory He alone deserves and spreading the Good

News of Rochester, please enjoy our listing of some of the miracles we have personally

witnessed as we “cast out demons, healed the sick, and ALMOST raised the dead,”

because of Jesus and through our union with Him.  And we fully know it’s all because

our Precious Lord loves us!

Many manifestations of healing – just a few examples – are simply:


1)  A 10 week old baby with Shaken Baby Syndrome was given a prognosis of blind-

      ness, deafness and was experiencing seizures every 7 minutes.  After casting out

     a “deaf and dumb spirit” (Mark 9), all seizures stopped immediately.  He suffered

     no ill effects at all, and lives a full and athletic life, loving Jesus at the age of 9.  He

     also shows a real prophetic gifting!

2)  A 13 year old boy with Tourette Syndrome was delivered following his mother’s

      Visit to our intercessory group.  She stated, “I have prayed for 12 years for his

      healing, but the Lord recently told me ‘He doesn’t need a healing, he needs a

      deliverance’.”  As we prayed for about 45 minutes, the demon began manifesting

      while he was at school.  He began to scream and, running to the restroom, he

      copiously vomited, etc., according to the school officials.  Fifty percent of his behaviors

and tics were gone by the next morning, and all was peaceful!! This was about 25 years ago.

3)  Twelve years ago 18 teenage girls in LeRoy, New York (a town 22 miles west of

      Rochester) began manifesting tics, twitches and spasms – all involuntary.  Erin

      Brockovich and other environmentalists examined the soil etc.  Psychologists

     called it “conversion disorder.”  But it was not either.  We heard the Holy Ghost say,

     “It’s Tourette’s.  Tell them.”  We contacted a prophet who was praying for them

     with other church leaders.  One of the girls was eventually diagnosed with Tourette’s.

     Again, the strongman “Deaf and Dumb” was finally addressed and recovery began.

     Months later the Learning Channel on TV aired a documentary titled “The Town

     that had Tourettes” – LeRoy, New York”.  This has been a territorial spirit now being

     dealt with by church leaders.

4)  After much spiritual warfare about 50% of the marriages we have stood in faith for,

      where adultery and abandonment have occurred, have been restored.  Most of

     the standers’ spouses have been delivered and others are still being prayed for.

     God, however, always blessed the “standers” as they chose to forgive and love.

     AND, Jesus Himself appeared to one of the men who was struggling, to tell him of

     His love and plan for him.  The man is now living his life for Christ and prospering.

     (More about this later!)


1)  The husband of one of “The Girls”, according to medics was dead 7-8 hours when

      his body was found.  We simply bound the spirit of death and said, “I command

      your spirit back into your body in Jesus’ Name”.  His eyes immediately opened

     widely for 5 – 10 seconds and then shut slowly.  We did that twice more with the

     same response.  We did not continue as the family decided to stop.  But in asking

     a doctor if that was a physiological possibility, he simply said, “No, that doesn’t

     happen, and I don’t want to hear about it!”

2)  A friend’s body was embalmed for several days.  At the funeral home we again

     commanded her spirit to return to her embalmed body in Jesus’ name.  Her eye-

     lashes began to flutter, and there was rapid eye movement under his closed eyelids

     for about 10 seconds again!  But her ex-husband gave us a long, unfavorable stare

     causing us to stop, so as not to force an issue with him.  That will never happen again!

     It’s why Jesus put the unbelievers out of the room at such times!  So we had to stop,

     but we’re getting there!  Glory to God!


1)  A brain tumor in a young child disappeared and she is tumor free for over 5 years.

2)  A neck tumor disappeared as we bound the spirit of infirmity, etc.  However, it did

     not disappear until we heard the Lord say, “Oh, it went the minute you prayed.  That

     is a lying spirit mimicking the tumor.  Now bind that”.  We did, and the tumor

     vanished immediately.

3)  Hip replacement surgery was cancelled.  New cartilage had miraculously grown and

     the man remains pain free almost 10 years later.

4)  Recently a 61 year old man with heart failure, who almost died at the hospital, went

      home after one of the girls bound death and the deaf and dumb spirit (yet again!).

     He needs to be guarded in prayer, but what a great start.  The hospital did not

     expect that progress.  This same girl prayed for someone who died in an ambulance

     from a drug overdose and life returned after she had been pronounced dead.  And

     she did it from miles away while on the phone.

5)  Another returned prodigal husband has been blessed with a healing and deliverance

     anointing.  You know – “What the enemy meant for evil, God has used for good”

     (Gen. 50:20).  After being healed himself of a degenerative cartilage disease, he also

     prayed, “I’m tired of wearing glasses all day for 50 years.  Why should I need them?”

     He stated ‘1 John 4:17 says ‘As Christ is, so am I in this world’.  So he took off his

     glasses in faith and found he immediately had perfect sight.  It’s still 20/20 vision

     10 years later!  This same man prayed for a newborn baby who had four major

     heart defects, according to doctors at Strong Memorial Hospital.  Two conditions

     were immediately resolved.  The other 2 conditions were later healed.  She is now

     a thriving adult who operates her own natural health food company.

6)  A man with only 20% vision in one eye due to a childhood accident had his vision

     restored after prayer in 45 minutes.  He said he was willing to wait, however,

     because he knew it would happen one day because we agreed.  What faith!

7) After laying on of hands, we watched as the Holy Spirit adjusted a 13 year old

     girl’s spine right before our eyes.  It was one of the first times we simply believed

     and watched Him honor His own word.  Scheduled to have been fitted for her

     back brace, one month later the school nurse announced, “You have the straightest

     spine I’ve examined all day today in Brighton High School!”  No brace needed.

8)  The husband of one of our girls suffered a massive heart attack and catastrophic kidney failure. His

heart stopped two times that same night, the first time in an ambulance and the second in the ICU.  He

came back to life both times in response to prayer and decreeing that “he will live and not die!”  The

nephrologist in the ICU declared his case to be the most unusual he’d ever seen.  Three months later, her

husband died again at the hospital while she was visiting him.  She immediately commanded his spirit to

come back into his body, then called one of our team and they prayed in other tongues on the phone for

him to live. He came back to life, once more, and suffered no ill effects from the crisis. The attending

medical assistant had checked his pulse and later told her “No matter what they say, know that he was

really dead. No pulse. No vitals!” 


We will list more at another time because miracles and healings have abounded and

still are.  One word – JUST STAND AS LONG AS IT TAKES.  We are not the five fold

ministry (which we love!)  We are simply sheep who believe their Good Shepherd and

have lived in the truth that “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies

never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.”  

We give Him all the glory and keep on believing, for the best is yet to come. 

Why not join us!


the GIrls