little girl praying the Lord's prayer

The Our Father

Being Father’s Day weekend, our love and best memories hopefully go to all the fathers in our lives. 

Though some may have embraced their role a bit more skillfully than others, we will share with them all

our love and respect, with wishes for joy and health.  Being a father can’t be easy all the time!

But there is a Father who does love us perfectly and never makes a mistake. So, we all, men and women

alike, rejoice and thank Him for being our heavenly Dad!

Jesus, our Messiah, came to earth as a gift to us from this Father.  It was the Father’s desire that all men

would see His true nature through His Beloved Son

Who said, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.” (John 14:9)  We have a good and loving Father. 

Jesus showed us that.

Paul the apostle later wrote prayers to the Ephesians further explaining God’s desire to give us wisdom

and revelation in the deep intimate knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17-20).   

In Eph. 3:14-21 Paul prays, “I bow my knees before the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for whom every

family in heaven and earth is named

(That Father from whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name.)  He prayed that through our

faith in Christ, we would be rooted deeply and founded securely on that very love the Father has for us. 

This love and indwelling Presence of God (which we have, if we’ve received His Son as our Savior) enables

us to receive the superabundant answers to our prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes and dreams that the

Father wants us to experience with Him.

What a good Father!

While on earth, Jesus taught us to honor our Father as He did.  Part of that Revelation came through what

has been titled “The Our Father” or “The Lord’s Prayer.”  Here Jesus began to give the disciples a model of

how to relate to our Creator as Father.  That revelation came to a glorious crescendo in John 17, the

High Priestly prayer which He prayed before He went to the cross.

We thought on this Father’s Day, you might be blessed hearing how Jesus would have sounded praying

to our Father in the language He mostly spoke – Aramaic.

Below is a video clip of actor Jim Caviezel (Christ in Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ)

praying as Jesus would.  Please enjoy and be blessed.   

We also invite you to pray with us in English:

          ‘Our Father in heaven!  May your kingdom come, your will be done

           on earth as in heaven. Give us the food we need today.  Forgive us

           what we have done wrong, as we too have forgiven those who

           have wronged us.  And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep

           us safe from the evil one.  For Kingship, power and glory are yours forever.  Amen’

Happy Father’s Day, Abba!

With love,      


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