Praise Reports

*Do you have a praise report that you would like to share with us? Just email it to us at and write PRAISE REPORT in the subject line!
MY HUSBAND DIED 3 TIMES! Glory be to God! He rescues and saves. My husband has been sick for years with diabetes and many complications. The Lord God Almighty is the healer. Jesus already took every sin, all sickness and disease on His body so that we could be 100% well. Total health belongs to each and every one of us. My faith is rock solid on that fact.
Sometime last January, it occurred to me that I was not on guard. I was not looking for signs in case my husband, Steve, entered into a crisis. My eyes are so fixed on total health that a health emergency would definitely catch me by surprise. And I had no desire to start looking for problems. For me, that would lead to unbelief and fear.
So, I told the Lord that, if ever He wanted me to see that my husband needed emergency care, He would have to signal me loud and clear that we had a problem. I refused to be LOOKING for problems.
And signal me, He did. One night I was preparing my lesson plans for the week (I am a teacher) and looked over at Steve in his lift chair. I saw that he was sliding out of it. I tried to help him press himself back in but he lacked the strength and I sure couldn’t lift him. So, I called 911 to ask for paramedics to come get him back in his chair.
When they arrived, they took one look at him and said “Lady, we are not putting him back in his chair, he needs a hospital!” I readily agreed. When they got him into the ambulance, his heart stopped. CPR wasn’t working. One of the ambulance attendants came in, tears in his eyes, to say that my husband’s heart wouldn’t restart. I had such peace. It told him “You are doing all that you know to do. God will do what you can’t. When his heart restarts, come let me know.” He went back to the ambulance, and I stayed in the kitchen, decreeing and declaring out loud that Steve would ‘live and not die and show forth the glory of the Lord.’
Soon thereafter the young ambulance attendant came back in to say that his heart had restarted, and they were heading to ICU at the local hospital. Praise the Lord!
At the hospital, Steve’s heart stopped a second time and through CPR they restarted it again. By the time I got there (considering the desperate situation, they waved protocols and allowed me to be with him) a nephrologist was tending to him. The doctor kept looking at his levels and shaking his head saying, “This is the most abnormal case I have ever seen.” He would not expound upon it but hearing that commentary from a doctor comforted me. After all, God is hard to explain. The doctor was seeing the Lord’s hand in my husband’s life!
There was a third time, a few months later, that Steve’s heart again stopped. I was there and witnessed it all. Steve was walking in the hallway with the help of his physical therapist. He got dizzy and had to sit down to rest. That is when his heart stopped! He turned blue, slumped forward in the chair, tongue hanging out. I said to the physical therapist, “Jeremy, something is seriously wrong!” He took Steve’s pulse and there was none. He called out for help. People swooped in with paddles and gurneys and equipment. Before they could do anything for him, I loudly started to command death to go and called on Steve’s spirit to return to his body. As they took him into his room to resuscitate him, I got out my phone and called my best friend Ro to pray. We prayed in tongues and did warfare on Steve’s behalf. And, of course, Steve did come back to life and extreme lifesaving measures were never needed.
*As a side note, Jeremy came to find me when things calmed down and said “no matter what anyone says, I am telling you that he was DEAD!” He wanted me to know that we had a miracle.
So, what is going on today? Is he totally well yet? No, he is much much better but still in the hospital, 9 months later. Very good news: he is no longer diabetic! He has not had an insulin shot or medication in many months. They don’t even monitor his blood sugar.
HEALTH IS TAKING OVER HIS BODY, INCH BY INCH As of day #1 of the hospital stay, they put him on dialysis. This crisis was triggered by a failure of his kidneys. Since then, he has been on dialysis three times per week. After a month or so, I was told by their experts that dialysis would continue the rest of this life. I appreciate their opinion but God has a better idea. Two weeks ago, they were able to reduce his dialysis treatments to 2 days instead of 3. Health is taking over his body inch by inch!
Will he ever get out of the hospital? Oh yes, he will! And what a testimony to God’s faithfulness that will be. So why am I telling the story while he is still in the hospital? Why not wait till it is all done? Well, I believe that now is the time to share his story. Now is the time to praise the Lord! God’s faithfulness is indisputable. I don’t have to wait to see what happens. Total health, total deliverance, total restoration will come. Jesus already bought and paid for it. In my heart I know that it is a “done deal.” Our God is the best! October 21, 2022
INFANT MIRACULOUSLY HEALED! The 10 month old grandchild of one of “the girls” suffered a traumatic brain injury. Prognosis: blindness, deafness, paralysis. The child was having seizures every 7 minutes. The family prayed and praised the Lord for 6 days and then, following the Holy Spirit’s direction, they took authority over the enemy, driving out the “deaf & dumb” spirit, which tries to kill children. Mark 9:17-19 Immediately all seizures stopped. Today he is a totally healthy 8 year old with no evidence that there ever was a brain injury. He is healed!
MIRACLE DEBT RELEASE! Responding in faith to the promise God made to Abraham [Genesis 12:3] “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” we planted a financial seed in Larry & Tiz Huch’s ministry to help Jewish people return from other countries to the Promised Land. Shortly thereafter, we amazingly received a huge miracle where we were released from a $240,000.00 debt to the IRS! -July 16, 2022
Back Healed – the daughter of a dear friend was suffering from intense pain in her back due to severe scoliosis. Prior to praying for her, I had read pages from a Francis Hunter book on divine healing.
I followed the advice of the author and asked the girl to stand with her hands put together in front of her. One arm was much shorter than the other. As I prayed for her, in the Name of Jesus, her hands began to move back and forth. Thinking that she was not cooperating, her mother told her to stop moving them but her daughter responded, “I am NOT doing it!” The Holy Spirit was. Within minutes her arms were the same length, all pain was gone, and the scoliosis was no more.
Some time later, the school was doing a routine check of the students to identify anyone who had scoliosis. Upon examining her they declared that she had the “straightest back in Brighton High School!” That was years ago and she is still healed today. Glory to God! – July 2, 2022
Healing: About 5 years ago I heard the Holy Spirit say “satan is going to try to kill your husband.” I responded “So-o-o ?” and He clearly said back to me “So, do what you know to do.”
With great grace, at His command, I began to bind witchcraft, Jezebel and untimely death, knowing the authority He gave to us that, when used, is backed by His power! I was led to anoint our bed with oil and pray in tongues. One week later my husband had a massive coronary right in that bed as he slept, greatly scarring the anterior portion of his heart.
After some excellent medical attention (stents, etc.) a very distraught and intense cardiac surgeon met me to say, “Your husband will never have the same quality of life!!” I gratefully replied “Thank you for all you have done.” And, knowing that our Lord is greater, soon as he left, I rebuked that pronouncement. My husband was back to work in ONE WEEK!
Two years later, while spending time in the Bible, I heard the Lord say “Be still and know that I am God (Ps. 46:10).” My first thought was “Oh, no – now what?” Three weeks later, he suffered a life-threatening stroke caused by a large clot in the center of his brain and a small one in his speech center (leaving him with Broca’s aphasia.)
For 8 months he rehabbed on grammar school level language materials as God refired his speech connections. He continued to meditate on his favorite scriptures:
1 John 4:17 “As He is, so are we in this world.”
Romans 8:11 “But if the Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken (give life) to your mortal bodies by the Spirit that dwells in you.”
After those 8 months, he returned to his office where, at age 75, he is happily working a 45 hour week as a tax lawyer. He loves his job and the wonderful Christian and Jewish people he works beside. And all of this came with increased financial benefits, as well!
So, by the way, the doctor was correct. He doesn’t have the same quality of life. He has a BETTER one! Praise be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus. – Rosemary June 24, 2022
Healing: Praise the Lord! Two days ago, in the middle of the night, my dog began barking as if we were in danger. She ran from window to window and could not be consoled. Finally, I dragged myself out of bed to see what was wrong (I had thought perhaps some deer were in our yard.) I caught a glimpse of an ambulance, pulling out of my neighbor’s driveway.
The husband has battled several serious conditions including brain cancer and Covid19. He won those battles but is considered to be at risk, for sure. Soon as I realized that someone’s health in their household was at stake, I prayed for their safety and a turnabout of whatever the affliction might be. I pleaded the precious Blood of Jesus on their behalf and asked, in the Name of Jesus, that total health be restored. I spoke the scripture that “they would live and not die and show forth the glory of the Lord.” Psalm 118:17
The next day I called to check on them. The husband was the one who was taken to the hospital, as I had suspected. It was tachycardia, an affliction that causes dangerously quick heartbeats over 100 heart beats a minute. His wife told me that his heart had been beating 190 times a minute and his life was in danger!
To everyone’s amazement, by the time they arrived at the hospital, his heart was beating normally. He was perfectly healthy! In fact, when his wife arrived at the hospital to pick him up, he was standing outside the ER door waiting for her. They hadn’t even put him in a wheelchair! Our God is so good! -Marie P. December 28, 2021