For Heaven’s Sake, Just Push!
Merry Christmas! So, here we are again – that most wonderful season – the season that celebrates the birth of the beautiful Baby Jesus! We who have received the Father’s incomprehensible gift of eternal life through simple faith in His Beloved Son are blessed beyond anyone’s ability to fully appreciate. And we will praise the Godhead forever for Their love for mankind. Words are simply not enough, though. They must have our hearts!
That being said…wow! Has this been one rough year! And I mean on too many levels to count, and for pretty much everyone on this planet. Here we are in the middle of a period of transition – the most painful part of delivery, by the way. But what are we transitioning to? Well, Biblically, the spiritual always precedes the natural. For myself and many others, we see the prophesied ending of one Church age (the Age of Grace) and God’s fabulous end time pouring out of the Holy Spirit approaching. This will produce a true reformation of the Church – God’s way. Next is the coming of our King, from the Rapture of the Church through His Millennial Reign. (Again, I get it if you think differently. I like this way though, so let’s just be friends!)

Anyway, some days I really enjoy writing this blog. But sometimes it feels like a tooth extraction! But God said to do it, and I’m honored and blessed! Again, this website wasn’t my idea, but was prophesied some twenty-five years ago. Then, only three years ago, a dear friend put it up and graciously handed it over to me – a surprise, for sure, and much appreciated since I have no computer skills! Anyway, for me, it was apparently a necessarily agitating year and quite probably yours was also. Pain is a signal that something is wrong, unhealthy.
For me, I felt some of my dearest loved ones were somewhat super self-focused, emotionally deaf and often plain rude. I had a bad reaction – disappointment to full rage. Now, all this coming from a group of people who know how to choose to love even those who most would call the unlovely – the backslidden, and those who betrayed and even abandoned us for years. Historically, most friends and even church headships didn’t respond well to us as a group of marriage standers. Often accused of being co-dependent, foolish, needy…ad nauseum, we had asked God what to do when our husbands left us for other women thirty years ago. By the way, the judgers were partially correct – we were all those things to some degree. One person of “religious headship” (and make no mistake, we do respect their authority) said, “Who do these men think they are that they can leave their families, and then think it’s okay to return?”
We got the point. But after seeking God earnestly, we can say to each and every woman, backed up with scripture and rhema words, God told us to pray, believe Him, and wait and receive them back in His timing. He said that would please Him, if we were willing. We became willing. At least fifty percent of our spouses repented and returned to Him and to our families! All glory to God!! Anyway, the Lord must have heard somewhere that it was the right thing for our group to do! Oh, yeah!! It’s in the Bible. You know – the prodigal son! And, oh yeah, the Holy Spirit wrote that!!
Until we are put in the position to have to love “difficult” people, and until we ask God Himself, instead of following every emotion or the culture of the day, it’s probably best not to have an opinion. I learned that lesson the hard way because I judged another woman who received her husband back after his short infidelity. Three years later, I found myself in her position but for a much longer time. That’s the Bible warning of “Judge not, lest you be judged.” (Matt. 7:1) You will be breaking the Father’s heart, much as the elder brother did when his prodigal brother returned. Self-righteous people don’t understand the Father’s love. I know because I’m a recovering elder brother. And, by the way, this lack of love and understanding can be found everywhere, and yes, sadly, even in the Body of Christ. You can hardly tell the sheep from the goats somedays. I firmly believe that’s changing now, and the Church will love unconditionally, as we are going from glory to glory.
So, we’ve all been hurt by someone, for however long. Agreed? So, let me possibly annoy us all with this, where do you dump your own load of toxic feelings and emotions if you have them? Or do you silently deny they exist and let them poison you and those around you from the hovering toxic stench? It’s undeniable that we can gather all that dung up from suffering all forms of abuse, starting with abandonment in infancy to mishandled relationships with any or every person in our lives. Some, gratefully and admirably, don’t fall prey to satan’s plan to hurt God’s kids. Others have escaped and have the “peace that passes all understanding.” (Phil. 4:7) Don’t lose heart if you’re not there yet. God is building His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. That’s His promise! (Matt. 16:18)
Meanwhile, we have to be cautious not to wound one another. When I do, which is probably more often than I’m aware of, I and other people I know, try to apologize quickly and change our attitude and behavior by God’s grace. We know we don’t mean to hurt the people we love. Sometimes we just fall into it because we have lived in tough times. But if we fail, there is a way to reset. Instead of resenting, retreating, self-protecting and eventually killing love and intimacy, we run to God. Humility says, “Cast your care on Him for He cares for you, affectionately.” (1Peter 5:7) We can meditate on how much He loves and cares for us. When we run to Daddy, which He loves us to do, He frees us to love like He does. This is His primary desire – that we know how much He loves us, and then we can love ourselves and others. This is His heart, His reason for creating us – to be a happy, healthy family – His family.
So, enter transition time – very painful. It has to happen if you’re going to help birth a beautiful creation. That, of course, would be God’s glory, as never seen before, covering the earth. Here comes Heaven’s culture – harvest and miracle healings – all the way to His Millennial Reign and the final stage of eternity. Of course, we will have some challenges but we’re told, “Look up to Him and rejoice your redemption draws nigh.” (Luke 21:28.) In the childbirth process, the coach says, “Focus, breathe deeply, slowly.” That’s because the process usually brings some screaming, pain and a couple of restful breaths in between. You are supposed to breathe deeply and relax during transition because it helps to lessen fear and pain for the mother and the child. Do we trust the Great Physician to help us, His promised, healthy Body to be born? He’ll get us through if we listen to Him. So, here comes a new Church wineskin really identifying with Christ. (John 14-17) And here comes a new government in America (and it’s God’s choice, make no mistake.)
In the next few blogs we’ll share some sorely learned insights. We won’t be offended if you don’t agree with us, but we will be sad because we’re freer today than ever and we want that for you, too. And isn’t that what Christmas is about? LOVE, JOY, PEACE – appreciating the birth of the greatest lover and liberator of all time! Try to have a wonderful day with Jesus and the family. And when crazy Uncle Freddie shows up for dinner and makes you wonder why you invited him, just give him a big hug and kiss like Father did for us when He sent Jesus. Maybe Uncle Freddie will be freed up by knowing he’s loved and can eventually lead a blessed life. Then you will have given at Christmas the same kind of gift of love the Father did. But remember, it took thirty more years for it to fully manifest at the cross. So be patient please with crazy Freddie and especially with yourself. Because if we just trust and cooperate, “The good work He started He will bring to completion” for all of us. (Phil. 1:6) More to come!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
And thank You, Lord, for Your love!!
Be blessed all,

P.S. PRAISE REPORT: Thank you, Lord, for the miraculous healing of young Michael from paralysis of the lower half of his body after his motorcycle accident last month! And bless the medical team who helped him. Merry Christmas, Mike! You are loved! Please join us in agreeing with Jesus’ intercession for the health and total restoration of Michael’s whole life. Thanks again.