First Things First
We live in and around Rochester, N.Y. – a really special place for those who have eyes to see! It is here that the Lord buried deep in our soil and waterways a huge deposit of His Spirit which overflowed during the Finney Revival. It is here, once again, that He is choosing to reveal His Goodness and His Glory, as we see what appears to be its beginning stages. We’re getting our footing through some of the five-fold ministry with a new wineskin spirit, and we’re so grateful to the Lord for them.
But this is also a grassroots movement springing from little known but increasingly devoted members of the Body of Christ, as is happening worldwide. They are no-name people who sit at the feet of Jesus and the Father pursuing intimacy with them. They range from GenZ to many who have done so for decades. They pray for an awakening that will lead to a spiritual revolution as occurred in the 1970’s in California. It happened here in 1830-1831 when Daniel Nash would labor in prayer, until he would announce to Finney, “He’s here,” and then would come forth the manifestation of the Holy Spirit later called “The Second Great Awakening.”
Do you find that lately you don’t spend much time with those you know and even love deeply? You know why? Sometimes it’s because you really don’t want to! A shocking reality is we’re finding otherwise outgoing, highly engaged people who are feeling the same – not all the time, of course, but with greater frequency. We’ve heard some say, “Well, that’s part of getting older” and there is some truth to that for sure. Then, there’s the “been there, done that” mentality. Really, there are legitimate reasons for spending more time in solitude.
Now we also have to respect and acknowledge those who can’t take time to pull away more frequently. There are moms and dads who spend unending hours taking care of beautiful children, and those who care for the sick and isolated, like medical workers do, etc. Absolutely pivotal, necessary and even heroic deeds. These are opportunities to love each other deeply, and to cherish those who are cherished by the Father. Thank God for loving servants!
But for both groups (and others in between) it seems to be that there is an increasing number coming to the realization that the One who deserves our primary attention, and increased moments of love and appreciation, already is alive and dwelling inside the believer. We’re finding that time just sitting with the Father, trying to grasp the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice, and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit is becoming the greater desire of our lives.
Personally, that led me to ask Him, “Is there anything You want to tell me?” He quickly answered “I want you to know how much I love you. Love others as I love you. And, don’t be afraid.” That was on October 6, the day before Hamas attacked Israel. It was for me, and you, too. He knew we would need that! He knows what you need to hear about Him, about you, or about whatever. It’s just better being with Him than anywhere else – even if it’s only for a little bit every day. He sees the demands on our lives. He also sees how much time we waste on useless distractions. I know because I used do it. And here is where I may tick someone off, but I mean no offense. These idols range anywhere from recreation, to duties, to “ministry.” Sometimes, I realize, even formal ministry programs made me, and others I’m sure, feel good; yes, even more valuable as a Christian. There was marriage ministry, deliverance ministry, etc. So, of course we need ministerial work – but in Ezekiel 44:15 the Lord said that the sons of Zadok would be the ones honored with coming near to Him and ministering to Him personally. They are linked to Melchizedek and Jesus Himself is identified as “High Priest” forever in the order of Melchizedek. Jesus is the True King of Righteousness and peace, who continues forever, uniting Himself and the Godhead to us through His Body and Blood. He was always seeking His Father.
So, yes, there is a valid and valuable place for all good things in the Father’s plan. And Jesus did them all and plenty of it – but it was always out of love for and at the direction of the Father. It’s why He spent His nights and secret times of the days off praying to His Abba!! The Father was first to Him and He was first to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and out of their relationship we became one with them (John 14-17.)
So, after our dedication to Him, He wisely directs us to receive the revelation of His own love for us as stated in Ephesians 3:14-21…”I kneel before the Father from whom every family in heaven and earth derives its name… And I pray…that you may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ … and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – so that we may be filled to the measure of all the fulness of God.” Only from this place of identity and security can we then go on to love our spouses and families—the next most important covenantal relationships established by God Himself and due meaningful ministry.
Family is the means and mirror by which we have security, learn faithfulness and unconditional love and forgiveness. God’s plan – one man, one woman nurturing children and even strangers, remains forever. Other “plans” sadly have emerged. God loves the people, but the new structures will never obtain all the blessings He intended through His original design lived by grace. Sadly, too many families in these last decades have been damaged by satan and carnal man. But, we know the hope for individual and family restoration is more than possible, and we have the testimonies to back that up – glory to God!
He is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. It has begun in new ways and new places – in America, Israel, Muslim nations and around the world with noted dreams and appearances of Jesus to multitudes, and the endless conversions to faith in Him. Undoubtedly, the more we surrender, worship and thank Him (in other words focus on Him and relate with Him) the more we then welcome Him to manifest Himself to us, and rescue a few “Saul of Tarsus” types. He alone got the job done there. But, yes, He then allowed Ananias to help out with Saul through the laying on of hands. (Acts 9:1-8)
So does He want our help in “ministry?” Absolutely. He set it up that way. He loves our engagement with Him and each other. That’s what family life is all about. It’s how He conducts family business, for He is the Head of His family and as His sons and daughters we both steward and inherit His blessings – but we have found it must be at His direction. From the quiet secret place in Him we have Godly order, wisdom and authority. If He moves me, or you, to do something after that, then we know it will produce lasting fruit, sweet and wholesome! I’m going with that plan~ So are you, I’m sure! That’s the place of anointing.
So, for me and my friends in Rochester (and globally!) – no more unnecessary distractions, or cheap imitations I pray. It’s too late for games. We have real Holy Spirit love, power and purpose inside us. Why look elsewhere? Let’s let Him produce real fruit His Way. Thanks for hanging in there!
With much love …

P.S. I referred to our waterways and the Erie Canal. If you’re interested, as we are, in this “Good News” from Rochester and Spencerport, N.Y., here is a link to what the Lord has planned:
Barge website: https://ww. https://www.glorybarge.org/
Westside News: https://issuu.com/westsidenew/docs/17apr22west