“Calibrate” definition: (Portions taken from merriam-webster.com/dictionary/calibrate)
– to ascertain the caliber of (something)
– to standardize (something, such as a measuring instrument) by determining deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors (Wow, interesting! – emphasis mine)
– to adjust precisely for a particular function
– to measure precisely (especially, to measure against a standard)
So, I woke up from a sound sleep at 3:30am. I was dreaming but don’t ask me what. I sat a moment and then I clearly heard, “Calibrated for Kingdom Purposes.” I knew that was the Lord especially since I had just opened my eyes, and it was nothing I had been contemplating. Also, I don’t normally use that term, but I have heard from Him like that before. Hence, I quickly put pen to paper (a 3″x3″ “Post-it” notepad to be exact!) and the following flowed out.
What does the Lord put value on? What do you put value on? What does the Lord value in you? What do you value in yourself? Are you fit for The Kingdom? Are you ready for The Kingdom? How far will your calibrations take you in His Kingdom?
Remember the old phrase, “Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last?” It’s been used over and over again in our generation. Well, it’s taken from a poem by C.T. Studd (1850-1931) entitled similarly, “Only One Life “Twill Soon Be Past.” (Don’t hesitate reading it. It’s so pertinent to the message herein, and I hadn’t read it ever until now. https://www.webtruth.org/christian-poems-poetry/only-one-life-twill-soon-be-past-poem/) There is a reward system. However, we know His ways are not our ways; His scales are not our scales. How does He calibrate?

There will be “The Judgment Seat of Christ” for every believer. What the Lord Jesus values will be rewarded His Body. What He doesn’t will be burned up, discarded.
“Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.” (1 Cor. 3:13 KJV)
He will then choose your and my fitness for position in His Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth for a thousand years and beyond. We will rule and reign with him. Our standard for judging will have to be His. So, I repeat, what is His value system? How does He calibrate? I humbly offer this answer in one all-too-simple word – LOVE. How well did you LOVE? How much did you LOVE? What did you LOVE? Who did you LOVE? In the crucible of fire on that day, it’s LOVE that will remain. Agape LOVE. God’s LOVE “shed abroad/poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Rom. 5:5)
Remember, His thoughts and ways are far higher than ours. (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV) Yes, our works will be rewarded, but how will He measure our works? I believe by our motivation for performing them. As 1 Cor. 13:13 states: “But now faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the [f]greatest of these is love.” (NAS Version)
It’s all about LOVE, people. It’s all about loving people. What have you done for someone, lately? Can’t physically help someone? You can pray (the most important of all.) You can call them. You can send money (that’s right!) However we love is proven by whatever we give of ourselves – our time, possessions, companionship/fellowship, etc. The Good Samaritan, with his own oil and wine (provisions) not only bound the wounds of the half dead, beaten up man lying on the side of the road, and used his own beast (vehicle) to carry him, but paid an innkeeper with his own money to take care of him until he returned and would repay the innkeeper for any more the innkeeper spent on the man. “I will repay thee.” (Luke 10:30-35 KJV)
Also, giving of our substance tells a lot about ourselves. Not as much about how generous we are as how much we trust the Lord for providing for us after emptying ourselves and our pockets. Jesus spent of himself to the shedding of His precious blood. Most of us have not done that. Blood and money – two very valuable commodities. When we give either, will it be counted for The Kingdom? Yes, if our motivation for giving is LOVE. As believers, we can’t serve mammon, but in serving the Lord, we can give it. And He will repay us in this life, and/or when He returns (as the Good Samaritan said in Jesus’ teaching.)
Whatever we give of ourselves out of LOVE costs us. But it’s our “Father’s good pleasure to give us The Kingdom.” Jesus actually says there, “Fear not…” (Luke 12:32 KJV) In fact, the whole chapter speaks greatly to this message. Fear not when you give anything, you will never be without, never.
So, are you calibrated to Jesus’ values? He’s coming so soon, and eternity is so long. He said LOVE God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and LOVE your neighbor as yourself. No commandment is greater than these. (Mark 12:31) He said LOVE fulfills the whole law. He said do this and you will live. (Luke 10:28) That’s your key to calibration! He’s done all the hard work for us. We enter The Kingdom by His blood and His grace alone, but how will our works be calibrated? Will they be burnt up or will they be backed up by LOVE and valued by the Master, our beloved Bridegroom. How close to Him will that leave us for all eternity? Sobering thought that has come to me many times. We don’t and can’t work our way into The Kingdom. We LOVE our way into it! LOVE for Him first, being born again, and then LOVE for each other. That’s His calibration tool, His measuring rod.
Isn’t He wonderful?!! If you find yourself coming up short, join the club, but don’t come under condemnation. Just continue your journey, or start today if you haven’t before. Finish well. Remember His ways are higher than our ways because He LOVES! Come to His table. He’s serving up forgiveness, mercy, blessing, honor, security, wholeness – riches beyond calibration (measure!) Come and drink of the Water of Life freely! He’ll take care of your every need and desire (Ps. 37:4) while you’re being prepared to rule and reign with Him to fulfill His Kingdom purposes – the Bridegroom and the Bride forever. And what is most celebrated at a wedding feast? LOVE! Let’s finish well, people, LOVE.
With LOVE in JESUS from one of…