Possessing Our Land
Years ago, while attending the largest city church in Rochester, NY, a wonderful women’s pastor asked me to take over her class for an evening, as she was going to have to be away. Needless to say, I was honored, but admitted “I’m not a Bible teacher- but I’ll do my best.”
My dearest friend, a well-respected black woman named “Queenie” (Yep! I said it: “black” and “woman”) had the gift of discerning of spirits and attended that class with me. She said, “You know there are at least 6 witches in this class!” (and Queenie was never wrong!) Fear set in like nobody’s business. I was no stranger to spiritual warfare – but did try to avoid any witch I could. In those days, they were starting to come out of the woodwork in some of the prominent churches.
So, I asked my Father God, “Now what??!! And it’s Halloween week, besides! They’ll be going crazy with curses. I’m out!!” And this was His precious, calming Fatherly reply. “Oh, they think they are here to curse the church. But they are here to hear the Gospel and be saved. Tell them that.”
So, on that night, I mentioned to the group that we might have some people involved in witchcraft sitting right in our class and what a marvelous opportunity it was for them to hear what God has to say. I added that “He loves you and wants you to be saved. So, let’s start by singing “Oh, the Blood of Jesus” together and honor Him for the Power of the Blood to set us free.” Sure enough, one of these precious women stuck her fingers in her ears so that she couldn’t hear the song. Another bent over all the way to the floor and you never saw so many people beat it to the exit at the end of that class – all having been identified to my friend, in advance, by the Holy Spirit! God doesn’t miss a beat.
Here We Go Again!
So, here we are in Rochester, once again, seemingly overtaken by the plan of the enemy to stop up the wells of reawakening – those wells of salvation have been here from the time of Finney. This Jezebelian Plan runs through governmental, religious, and business arenas and more. It is sinister but we do recognize that God truly loves these oppositional people and He wants them to be saved.
Satan thinks that his agenda to thwart God’s plan here will work. He is wrong. God’s plan is to turn Rochester back to what we were when Charles G. Finney* brought the true gospel message to us in the 1830’s. The Lord so electrified this city with His life-changing presence that all crime ceased for years! NO CRIME in Rochester, New York? Yes!
The tangible presence of God was so captivating that crime stopped and even the bars closed. The circus left, too, due to lack of business. The jails were empty and some of the police were free to join Finney on the road. Everyone wanted God and they had no room for anything else!
Rochester Is Called To Be A “God-City!”
That revival was never supposed to stop. Rochester is called to be a “God-city”, a city of refuge and a blessing for our nation. We believe that His plan is to pick up where He left off and turn Rochester into a community whose people are fully awakened to His love for them – and who passionately love Him back.
Evil Agenda, CANCELED!
We declare that all plans to ruin this city are heretofore canceled. God’s kids live here! We are Kings with Him. (Ephesians 2:5-7 & Rev. 1:6) And wherever we put the soles of our feet we possess as our inheritance – the land He has given us ( as it says in Joshua 1 ) is the Greater Rochester area!
“Where the word of a king is there is power” (Eccl.8:4). And we say Rochester bows its knee to our King Jesus Christ and, in this city, He is welcomed and honored.
Now to those who have a different governmental and spiritual agenda “We bless you with the knowledge of Jesus as your own personal Savior and Lord, for ‘we bless those who curse us and despitefully use us.’ “ ( Matt.5:44). Do recognize, however, that it is our God-given right to assemble to worship Him in this city. As we honor Him and pray, He will fight for us and will even help those who have thus far rejected His purposes, if they will let Him.
As for those who threaten and actively oppose the purpose for which He founded America, and those who call themselves Christian but compromise His written Word, we humbly pray for you (that we ourselves would not fall) to, without condemnation, receive the knowledge of the depth of His love and sacrifice for us all and that you would receive His Grace to be faithful to Him.
Be blessed! We surely are and know it.
*Click here for more of the exciting details of the Finney Revivals.
With love from Ro, one of the …
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12
One Comment
I totally agree that Rochester shall be saved!
Seems like the very opposition is proof of it. Who bothers to come against something that has no value? The enemy knows very well that we are marked for God and the Lord will have this city!
My church, Faith Church, has come alive in the Holy Ghost in recent weeks. It is like we all got a big dose of SPIRITUAL VITAMINS! The sleeping giant is arising. We do live in exciting times!